Homework 8

Lesson 8 Homework, Tips and Case Studies

Practical Strategies

1. Observe and Document your child’s Gaming Habits:

  • Pay attention to your child’s gaming habits, including the frequency, duration, and intensity of their gaming sessions.
  • Note any changes in their mood, behavior, or sleep patterns before, during, or after gaming sessions.
  • Keep a journal to record your observations and any concerns you may have.

2. Establish Open Communication Channels:

  • Initiate open and honest conversations with your child about their gaming activities, expressing your concerns without judgment.
  • Practice active listening and empathy to understand their perspective and reasons for gaming.
  • Engage in casual discussions about gaming, asking about their favorite games, achievements, and challenges.

3. Monitor Online Gaming Activity:

  • If your child plays online games, familiarize yourself with the platforms they use and the content they access.
  • Establish clear guidelines for online interactions and safety precautions, such as avoiding sharing personal information or engaging with strangers.
  • Utilize parental control tools to monitor online activity, filter content, and set time limits for gaming.

4. Encourage Non-Gaming Activities:

  • Promote a variety of non-gaming activities to broaden your child’s interests and develop a balanced lifestyle.
  • Encourage participation in sports, hobbies, creative pursuits, and social activities with friends and family.
  • Plan family outings, outdoor adventures, and shared activities that don’t involve gaming.

Online Activities

1. Participate in Online Forums and Support Groups:

  • Join online forums and support groups dedicated to gaming addiction and parenting strategies.
  • Connect with other parents facing similar challenges and share experiences, advice, and coping mechanisms.
  • Learn from experts and professionals who provide guidance on addressing gaming addiction in children.

2. Utilize Online Resources and Articles:

  • Access reputable online resources and articles about gaming addiction, its effects on children, and effective intervention strategies.
  • Research the signs and symptoms of gaming addiction, including changes in behavior, mood, and social interactions.
  • Understand the factors that contribute to gaming addiction and the importance of early intervention.

3. Seek Professional Consultations Online:

  • Consider online consultations with therapists or counselors specializing in gaming addiction.
  • Discuss your concerns about your child’s gaming habits and seek personalized advice on addressing the issue.
  • Explore online therapy options that offer flexible scheduling and convenient access to professional support.

Remember, addressing gaming addiction requires a consistent and collaborative approach. By combining at-home observations, open communication, and online resources, you can effectively help your child develop a healthy relationship with gaming and thrive in all aspects of their life.


Here is an example daily schedule for a 16 year old who games: For this exercise, write up a draft daily schedule with and for your child to set clear expectations (use the Behavioral Contract from Lesson 5 to help reinforce this strategy). It is important that your child does NOT game into the night as it will impact negative behaviors including reduced sleep, and reinforce the addiction itself. If the child is not co-operating read through the suggestions above and strategize by using several options and be consistent. It’s important.

Oh and please remember, gaming is designed to be addictive – your child will undoubtedly rebel against any tactics to limit their gaming time. Remember it is a privilege, so reduction in gaming time is a great strategy to stop bad behaviors (Negative Punishment).

Day Time Activities
Monday 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Wake up, get ready for school
Monday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM School
Monday 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Chores (cleaning room, laundry)
Monday 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM Sports practice
Monday 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM Dinner with family
Monday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Homework and studying
Monday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Gaming
Monday 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM Wind down, read, get ready for bed

Before you move onto lesson 9, please complete the Homework for Lesson 8
See you in Lesson 9.